
Puerto de Guaymas is located in the northern port of Mexico on the coasts of the Pacific Ocean. Because of its privileged geographic location Puerto de Guaymas represents a competitive advantage for the movement of all type of goods within the logistics chain contributing to the sustained development and the growth of Mexico´s exterior commerce.

The port is located at coordinates 27 degrees 55 minutes to the north and 110 degrees 54 minutes west of Mexico´s state of Sonora.

The port is 1.8 km (1.1 miles) from the Federal four-lane highway No.15 and forms part of the “CANAMEX” Corridor only 400 km (248.55 miles) away. The city of Nogales is located to the north and is on the United State border of the U.S.

With the Multimodal Corridors Guaymas-Arizona and Guaymas-Mexicali, the Puerto de Guaymas is amply connected to the market of northwest of Mexico and the Southeast of U.S.

Puerto de Guaymas is sheltered by an inside bay. The region´s rainfall and minimum tidal variation make this port one of the safest ones in the Pacific.